About Us


Lab Group Event 2019

Lab group event: 2019

Accelerated Computing Systems Laboratory was founded in 2013 by Prof. Mark Silberstein. Pavel Lifshits joined the lab in 2014 as a permanent lab engineer. Today the lab is a research home for over 8 active graduate students and is a proud alma-mater for 9 alumni.

We work on a broad range of computer systems projects spanning hardware architecture, programming tools, operating systems, security and privacy, high concurrency servers and high-speed networking.  Our main research focus is on designing Operating Systems and runtimes that simplify the development of efficient and secure advanced computing systems using bleeding-edge hardware devices.  ACSL develops systems that run on programmable accelerators, such as GPUs,  FPGAs, in-network and in-storage processing.  ACSL also hosts a variety of software infrastructure projects for secure enclaves, with a special focus on defences against side-channels.

We have several collaborative projects with industry. Some of the projects have graduated from the lab and are now adopted by  Intel, Mellanox, and NVIDIA.

The lab hosts a few exciting undergraduate projects supervised by our graduate students and faculty.

ACSL is actively recruiting new talented students! As a group, we have a lot to offer! We are involved in multiple internal and external collaborations, regular group meetings, fun events and summer internships.  Join us!


Contact Us

Mark Silberstein
Photo of Mark Silberstein
+972 77 887 1503
Pavel Lifshits
Photo of Pavel Lifshits
+972 77 887 1504


In the Press

First Prize in the Bluefield Chip Hackathon


The ACSL lab team won the First Prize in Bluefield Chip Hackathon, held at the Tel Aviv offices of Mellanox Technologies by developing an AI system with efficient access to remote GPU through SmartNIC.

Congratulations to the team: Maroun Tork, Lior Zeno, Meni Orenbach, Pavel Lifshits, and Shai Bergman.

Full information:

Image for First Prize in the Bluefield Chip Hackathon

First and Third Place in CSAW 2018 Applied Research Competition

Marina Minkin and Pavel Lifshits won the 1st and 3rd prizes of Applied Research Competition in Cyber Security Awareness Worldwide (CSAW ’18).

First place: Marina Minkin – Foreshadow attacks on Intel CPUs.

Third place: Pavel Lifshits – The battery attacks on mobile phones.

CSAW (Cyber Security Awareness Worldwide) is the largest cyber security event in the world, taking place simultaneously in several places around the world.

Full information:

Image for First and Third Place in CSAW 2018 Applied Research Competition

Foreshadow (L1TF) attack published


Foreshadow is a speculative execution attack on Intel processors which allows an attacker to steal sensitive information stored inside personal computers or third party clouds.

This attack was covered by many news outlets, including Wired, ArsTechnica, The Register and BBC news.

Full information:


Image for Foreshadow (L1TF) attack published

Power-to-peep-all power side-channel attack on malicious batteries