A bunch of cool new papers!
A very strong publication regord by the lab this year!
- Congrats to Alon and Igor for having the NeurlLPM paper on hardware accelerator for Longest Prefix Match using Neural Nets accepted to MICRO’56 — our very first lab publication in this super prestigious hardware venue!
- Congrats to Sajy and Alon for the acceptance of P4-based virtual machine for Programmable Switches to NSDI’24, on the FIRST attempt, and the very first Sajy’s paper! Also, this is Alon’s 3rd NSDI paper, wow!
- Congrats to Shai Bergman and our collabs from Imperial for getting the very cool Translation Pass Through paper on a new approach to Virtual Memory translation in Virtual Machines
- Together with our collaborators from Microsoft Research Cambridge, KU Leuven and Intel we got 2 papers published in USENIX Security and IEEE S&P. The work with Intel made it to the SGX ISA, the one with Microsoft is actively being used in production!